Mac M1 - Wacked-out UV Stretch Overlay in 3.5 - 3.6 LTS

Check out the Angle stretch overlay for a simple unwrapped cylinder. All UV-related add-ons disabled. Scale applied to cylinder.

Checker map doesn’t indicate any stretching. Switching from Conformal to Angle-based unwrapping just gives other zany colors.

What the?

Have you accidentally moved the top or bottom ? Have a look from above.

Mine comes out pure blue.

Haven’t moved anything. I first discovered this happening in a file with multiple, detailed meshes. This is a fresh file with one un-altered object just to demo the issue.

Very strange. Mac OS perhaps? :man_shrugging:t4:

Wish I knew. I tried the same test in 3.5.0 and got the same nasty result. 3.4.1 is the last version where nothing’s amiss - overlays are blue as expected.

Guess I’ll try the Mac M1 thread to see if anyone can replicate, + a fresh install with only the regular add-ons.

Just tried 3.5.0 with ALL add-ons disabled. Same weird result.

You maye share the blend file… to check if this is maybe is a display issue ?

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I was about to upload it when an Apple silicon user in another thread confirmed the issue for 3.5 & 3.6. So it’s a bug.