Mac: M2 Ultra - *VR (Part 2)

Well the classroom is 48 vs 70 sec. Metal RT on-off. Not sure how much difference this setting makes for non M3.

Partytug Eevee performance is 10fps on playback, my 4070 does 63fps so it’s like 6x slower :smiley:
EDIT: Actually I tested this wrong. It performs poorly on the MacBook display but I get something over 30 fps on external monitor - that I use on my pc. So there was some serious resolution difference.

Meaning in eevee I get about half of the 4070 perf. so it’s close to a desktop 2070 I guess… Pretty cool

It is what it is, it’s a low power low performing gpu. It’s nice we can have hwrt features finally but Nvidia has nothing to worry about. Cause anyone looking for perfomance won’t look at apple products in terms of gpu rendering that is.

Maybe the m3 ultra for 6K will perform as a sub 2K desktop with a 4070. But it will have all the memory in the world for all the non demanding tasks :D…

Apple need to make an egpu with some overkill specs, or support Nvidia as egpu or something.


You are mixing things up. This is about MetalRT/Cycles, not Eevee.
However, if we’re on Eevee then you didn’t test “wrong”. The MacBook by default renders at twice the resolution (Retina 2x) to make everything on build-in screen look “amazing”. You can use, for example, EasyRes to set Standard 1x (I do) and have more fps on screen in Eevee. Or use external display as you did. Performance clearly depends on resolution, which is why, for example, the GFXBench benchmark uses an ‘offscreen’ setting to make the results resolution-independent.

Yeah so does every mini Pc with AMD or Intel.
Memory is shared with the integrated GPU :man_shrugging:

As for the limitations eve MacOS has a limit how much Ram the GPU can use.

It depends, on one scene, I checked for playback speed I had not difference on the internal Macbook screen or the external 1440p.

Also the whole retina scaling thing why I still use 1440p on Mac or at least part of the reason.

Unfortunately 1440p on Mac looks less good then Windows or Linux.

I would love for Apple to make something like this with better specs.

Cutest GPU either way :wink:

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Still, if we assume the metal rt is already utilizing hwrt properly for m3 the performance is kinda weak in cycles. I wonder what otoy can do with octane though.

I don’t understand what you expected from the M3 Pro? That it would be as efficient as an RTX 4070 in Cycles? Really? It is absolutely out of touch with reality. This baby has only 14-18 GPU cores… Maybe you should have get real, buy the M3 Max, or wait for the M3 Ultra.

I’m sure Apple will never go back to the eGPU nightmare.

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I think half of 4070 should be realistic. a “laptop 4070” would be great. At least for the price I would expect it. We’ll see, maybe optimised octane and unreal engine will do just that. Cycles so far not very great.

I did try a few different ones this weekend and Ai stuff is not very fast either but that does not use the RT cores.

And I don’t have an M2 Pro to compare.

LCM on the other hand looks promising. Fairly decent pictures with only 4-8 steps.

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Sorry for the off topic but does anyone know a good sw alternative for Treesize for a Mac?

I use this on windows to keep track of disk usage it has a nice simple tree view folder visualization of folders on a pc organized by size.

I used this a few times but they are subscription now…

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DaisyDisk looks beautiful, but it’s paid. Grand Perspective is free, opensource, but less beautiful (works great, though).


Also just for info if anyone was thinking about it.

“I have the 14" M3 Max 16/40 64gb 1TB and i can confirm the fan noise and boy the heat being pushed out. I was rendering a small clip in topaz AI and the idle temp is 40’c with 0 RPM and after 10-20 seconds, the temp pushes to 70’c with fans at 5k rpm or more like a jet engine.”

Sure make me glad I did not :wink:

I noticed it is always the cpu. Rendering for a long time with octane or cycles or even running ue 5 would be mostly dead silent (although the laptop would get quite hot after a while) Only after some time I heard very softly the fans spinning…

However, trying to render on cpu or whenever there is a lot of shaders to be compiled at once by UE it would make the fans spin like crazy pretty quickly.

Yes same here CPU only but even the few time I heard the fans it was not very loud. Don’t know how many rpms because the tool usually run on my Macs has not been updated.

Can’t live without this

Ooh well it just got M3 support, I guess I will see tonight.

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An interesting test could be to see if memory usage on M3 is different between 3.6 and 4.0. Theoretically, memory optimizations for dynamic caching are the only difference between the two releases, apart from enabling MetalRT by default.

Grand Perspective looks a lot like SpaceSniffer for the win platforms, which i do use. :slight_smile: may not be pretty, but it gets the job done. :slight_smile:

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Definitely! Wiztree, which has become my go to on Windows, looks the same. No need to be pretty, if it works well :smiley:

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I don’t think this is correct. What is the limit? With the Steam Deck, it is 8 GB. Do you have any documentation that you can point to?