Mac: M3 - *Hardware accelerated RT (Part 1)

true but would perhaps be interesting and if one could capture the Lidar points with the Photo and then use that in a Photogrammetry app. I wonder if that would work and enhance / speed up things.

You mean combine lidar and photogrammetry? That’s an interesting idea… I definitely see the value of capturing with mobile - the cameras are good enough for photogrammetry (here’s one I shot yesterday with an iPhone 8 - took about 2.5 hours to process) and lidar is getting quite good too. And you can’t beat the fact that you always have it with you.

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yeah just an idea, I an not a developer so I cant say if it is actually doable.
That looks quite good, nice plant.

You know what photographers say… the best camera is the one that you always have with you :wink:


Actually Trnio is working on combining lidar and photo.

For mobile yes it will eat the battery but for a dedicated gpu metashape with depth maps is very fast

That’s why I don’t work with meshroom - it is too slow in my experience.

Yeah RC is fast. I use Metashape PRO - it’s good, but slow

Interesting you feel it is slow.

I hope what apple implements is not a light version of photogrammetry but a full fledged system. That they envision online stores gives me the feeling of rather low res and fast calculation needs.

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Even for rooms it is not ideal - that is where I hoped to use it for a lot.

For photography the LIDAR helps the autofocus significantly !

This is why I say it’s not just the M1 and it’s bench scores making apps faster. #teamARMinstructionset :grin:

They even had an independent company bench their apps to be sure.

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While Apple has a fantastic pr department

they would be silly switching from Intel when they would not have made sure that their own chips would deliver

Who’s switching to Intel?

I think you may have replied to the wrong person. :slight_smile:

Lol from not to - my fault - corrected t post

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interesting I will keep an eye on that l, thanks

This is ridiculous

So it seems the API has various quality setting so Iranian not just a low end solution

Further you can taken photos of your object - even rotate it and the API stitches it all correctly back into one model !


This now getting more interesting

Now the object capture is also plug n play with unity ?


yes that sound interesting nice stuff coming.

And to add to this as I mentioned a couple of months ago, Apple is using an open format for this…. USDZ.

Shocking to think that your entry level laptop is getting over double the framerates I see on my old, but still fairly viable desktop PC.

It’s making me consider just going out and buying the 13" MBP.

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Yes they do, but all these gains reported by apps building a ARM version are from the app developers themselves, not Apple.

With names including:

Blackmagic Design
Blender (Blender Foundation hasn’t said anything about performance for the ARM version like the others, but I can tell you the ARM outperforms the Intel version “for Macs” in most areas.

Oh, and I came across this just a little while ago, Substance Painter and Designer running through Rosetta on the M1.


We do need to remember that a lot of these improvements are because the M1 chip is much better than the chip it replaced. Theres still improved app performance due to the architecture change (app loading times are blistering fast), but from what ive seen lots of these companies are comparing to the dual-core MacBook Pro 13 inches, which were terrible machines