Mac: M3 - *Hardware accelerated RT (Part 1)

These aren’t zero click bugs. Clicking on and opening shady email links have always been a treat to all OSs.

Nothing new a nothing to get worried about.


Because the A15 seems to be nothing special CPU wise and very similar to the A14 just slightly optimized and moving from 5nm to 5nm+.

Benchmarks seem to say A15 is about 10% faster than the A14 in single core.

I guess apple was of the option that that is not worth mentioning :wink:

Now if I guess right the M1x will be 80-100 % faster on CPU and GPU, you can bet they will mention that.

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exactly what I was about to say :slight_smile:

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In other computing news…

I’m trying to decide whether MS’ new Surface Studio is a smooth implementation of a number of good ideas, or if it’s kinda goofy. Maybe I should split the difference, and say it’s a bit of both.

I totally second this, but hope to skip (most of) the drawbacks by waiting for the larger and faster iMac.


It’d be nice if they’d included troll detection, then shut down the troll’s iPhone. :grin:

Which actually draws attention to the other issue that’s kept me from getting a Mac: when they do provide a machine with a powerful GPU, it’s almost always priced well beyond my budget.

Apple rarely ever targets that upper-mid level demographic I happen to occupy. For me, they go from affordable machines that don’t provide enough, to me weighing whether I actually NEED two kidneys to get something of theirs that better fits my use case.


This is why I’m hoping they re-enable eGPU options. With a relatively inexpensive TB PCI case, it would be possible to add an AMD 6900xt GPU (provided you can find one) which would add immensely to apps which leverage GPU computing like Octane or Resolve.


I don’t think I can’t answer that question for you.

The Blender 3.0 build from today crashed when I tried to do the viewport render, so does the cycles x branch.

Anyway here it is on the M1 air with blender 2.93.5 on CPU.

I will add Blender 3 if it decides not to crash.

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Nice. That looks roughly the same as what I see when GPU rendering in 2.93.

I expect 3.0 will be that much faster.

Also, where’s the grass?

I just did a render with the Blender 3 release from today. Is it definitely Cycles X? The build doesn’t say but I assume it is since it’s not rendering in buckets. I haven’t really changed any settings aside from switching from Optix to OID for noise reduction.

This is on my Mac Book Air…I haven’t tested on the Mac Mini.

not sure it loaded like that I just changed the render to cpu and then the viewport render.

I guess I can perhaps blame the Monterey Beta.

And it should they said Cycles X got included into the normal branch.

Still crashes on Beta 7 too, so no clue what it does not like.

What’s got me curious are those weird shading artifacts on some of the objects in that scene. Looks a bit like a screen door effect on the ice box.

edit: Okay, now I know why. I still have the old halftone effect node attached to the shader. Still, it’s strange that it doesn’t show up in anyone else’s renders.

Just posted a video of the Viewport performance. Would it be ok if I repost the Google Drive link on my channel so that other people can test it on their systems? I think it’s a good test scene:


People change the Renzatic settings because Optix do not work in Mac due to lack of Nvidia?

Midphase any reason you turned off the scene data?

Yeah, I don’t have a problem with that. But before you do, let me clean it up a bit, and reupload the file. I realized I have a node in there I shouldn’t be distributing free of charge that I totally forgot about.

I’ll have the updated link ready in a couple of hours.


By the way, speaking of renderers that utilize Mac power: what’s the status of Radeon ProRender these days? When I still had a Mac until early 2019, it was a relatively incomplete but promising renderer.

They have been updating it for Blender. I think it is now a respectable render, but since Cycles and Eevee are already good do not have been widespread.

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Here’s the render from my i9 18-core workstation on Cycles X. So M1 looks to be roughly 3 times slower which, if you ask me ain’t bad at all all things considered. If Apple gets their crap together and releases a more powerful ARM machine that can narrow that render down to maybe 60-70% of what I can do on the i9, I think that would be good enough for me to switch completely!