Mac: M3 - *Hardware accelerated RT (Part 1)

Actually, Thumb and Index finger is less straining then pinky and index finger !

What matters is the actual Blender Cycles on Metal benchmarks, so we really have to wait for a while to see those numbers. Maybe someone else can throw some Blender Radeon Prorender benchmarks until then.


It’s a little more ergonomic, but it’s also fighting against 25+ years of muscle memory.

Weirdly enough, this will probably be the one thing that will continually throw me for a loop for the longest amount of time.

what I keep wondering as I saw that in a text review too.

Something to laugh, it is not the first april right?

I know it is a leak but still will they all follow
apple again?

The whole trackpad is solid glass it doesn’t actually have any moving parts. So when you are clicking it’s all haptic.



Intel is getting closer to AMD ?

So about like the iPhone then. Good deal.

Just to note, you probably have heard a lot about what is known as the rumor mill (especially when brand new chips are just a few months from release).

It may or may not surprise you that in the majority of cases, Wccftech is the rumor mill itself (with the writers even creating their own because of the clicks they get from AMD, Intel, and Nvidia fanboys fighting each other).

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Honestly I lack the brain space ( to distracted by a baby and photogrammetry with MacOS) for that right now to verify it while I should have.

Thus sorry if this was a crap article. I posted it in defense of Intel.

In the end we will see what reality will be.

Yeah I know, that’s the whole point. You can’t choose any of those things on your phone either regardless of brand. SOCs hardware architecture is trying to change how the world thinks about computer design. I guarantee separate RAM and Graphics cards are going to be considered legacy tech in 10 years.

That is very evident by this graphic. No real benchmarks can be taken serious when they are done with noname unknown generic 3060/3080 Laptops.


Every one knows it, especially the big 4.

Aren’t we there right now ? I mean we cannot buy GPUs right now :wink:

But yeah this is an interesting point - I feel that is why Apple made the what is a pc movie.

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Haha so true. I do feel for the peeps who just want to do some high-end gaming on their PC, have the money for a new card, but no one has any to sale them. :upside_down_face:

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A RTX3060 laptop card is max tdp is 130w that is capped to 70w. A RTX3080 max tdp is 165w that is capped to 100w.

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Note it is not only for desktops.
I can choose laptops with a Nvidia GPU that have an AMD CPU(with a weaker integrated GPU), with a Samsung SSD and i think Crucial memory.

Everything else being integrated means the future of the PC is a sealed box that can’t be upgraded in any way, shape, or form, and if it is all in an all-in-one form you can’t even switch out the monitor.

Everything also scales linearly with price as well, so midrange graphics with a higher end CPU and tons of RAM (with decent storage) will be out of the question. This follows the overall trend where companies think the user is too dumb to make anything more than simple decisions so the actual options you have for [insert product here] are stripped to the bare minimum (to note, you already see this in software, games, and social media UI’s).

I think you’re still missing the point of what an SOC design means for the entire industry. Choice is irrelevant if the faster and more energy efficient system of all those items is one single chip.

SOCs have nothing to do with choice or how smart or dumb a company thinks the general public is. If you have a pool of a hundred products to choose from to make the fastest most energy efficient variation of CPU, GPU, RAM, choice is still irrelevant if there is an item that combines all of those in a single chip to beat any custom combination you can think of.