Machin3 Tools Offset Cut Error

Hey there. Not sure if this is the right spot for this. Hopefully it’s on the mark.

I’ve been using Machin3 add-ons for awhile now and they’re really useful. I’ve tried reaching out to the add-on creator, but no response yet. Working on a pretty complex project (at least for me). Used Offset Cut several times with no problem. Suddenly, on this one piece of the model, this error message is popping up. I don’t really know anything about Python. The only thing that jumps out at me is that it’s related to the AppData/Roaming file on the computer.

Does anyone have any idea what this means or why it’s preventing Offset Cut from performing like normal? Or how to fix it? The model piece is literally the same as several other pieces, with slight variations. I really don’t want to have to remake this piece, if at all possible. Thank you.

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Thank you.

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