MACHINtools3 add-on just gives error message. (as shown in link)

I am trying to install the blender add-on, MACHIN3tools but I’m getting an error message. …I’ using Blender2.8 and the latest version of the add-on v0.3.10 . and I’m using the Ïnstall from file in preferences selecting the downloaded ZIP file " any help much appreciated.:sunglasses:

Might be a better idea to ask the author himself.

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0f5b53ba4dc is from December 1st 2018. Update Blender.

Thanks MACHIN3 for the quick reply. I downloaded latest version of Blender 2.8 but still can’t seem to get MACHINtools3 add-on installed. ??? …not sure what I’m doing wrong ??

problem solved , close down and restart was needed .:smirk: