It really depends on the technology
When it comes to its OS , I think MacOS is far more old hardware friendly.
Mind you its not as if Apple has a choice, Apple hardware may be “overpriced” but people also tend to stick with it way longer than pc users do with their own computers. So dropping support for old hardware is pretty much a no go. This is why they emphasized for the new iOS how well it runs on old devices.
I don’t think critics against Apple are even mac devs and by mac devs I mean people that really invest into it.
I dont even consider myself a mac dev mainly because I may coded predominatly on macos until very recently turning to bootcamp and win 10 because I happen to like win 10 and because I finally trying to become a pro and sell commercially.
If you really want to talk to those people you have to take a visit at macforums.
Observe how much talk about the end of OpenGL on MacOS… zero
The hate about Apple comes 99.9% of the time outside Apple borders.
The truth is that Apple users hate Apple for completely diffirent reasons why pc users hate Apple.
Mainly because we know that 99.9% of the Apple criticism , the show called hostility against open source, the so called closed system nature etc etc is BS
Apple has tried to push both open source and cross platform, suffice to say mac users and as a result mac devs were not impressed.
OpenGL is not the only to try to penetrate the Mac market and fail spectacularly much bigger players have tried.
Most noteably Java.
Apple pushed Java extremely hard on the platform , Apple always wanted cross platform to penetrate because it was criticised and that was one of the criticism coming from inside its border about lack of specific software, but the community responded with a very large “meeeehhhhh”.
The huge with Java is that even though the holy grail of cross platform its non native GUI on a platform where UI is everything was its tombstone.
Another huge player was Python, Apple did not develop the mac version as it did for Java but they did distributed it and still do with MacOS and developed a bridge for ObjC libraries making Python and native scripting language.
Guess what it overtook Python
Yeap I am serious, right now hands down the most popular scripting language on MacOS is Applescript.
X11 was another one pushed by Apple and almost none actually bothered using it. Of course unlike the previous two it was never really popular.
Apple heavily relied on open source way before “open source” or “free software” was invented as a term.
Again and again the community has voted for Apple specific APIs and solutions.
The reason is very simple and expected
When someone promises cross platform the response of the average mac user is scepticism.
Nowdays people heavily rely on bootcamp. For pc user thats seems naturally because of the lack of game on MacOS. Which sound reasonable… only… as its usually when it comes to Apple criticisms … its not true. There are tons of mac games. Especially MMORGS and MOBAS.
The problem however is that many of those games have really lousy support on MacOS.
This is one of the reason why devs are leaving the platform, its not as if a 10% is anything to ignore its just that the decision of Apple to bet on OpenGL backfired so bad that for example Elite Dangerous started with MacOS and when they were for the new expansion Horizon the devs saw OpenGL and said, “yeah forget about it” . Of course then Metal came out but it was a bit too late.
There have been some super serious issues with OpenGL and it was not even Apple’s fault , although the drivers could have been better , but that is debatable to because Apple develops those drivers but they have implied that GPU manufacturers have not been very helpful.
Bottom line Apple has bleed out serious money because of OpenGL and it did far more damage than good to the platform. OpenGL was the best thing to happen for Windows.
Because even though windows have seen macos take away a very big part of it market , it was 3.5% when Steve Job aplogetically stated that it was the best MacOS could hope for and it ended up reaching a 10% lately. But gaming still remains at 3% possibly with the other 7% using bootcamp because pretty much everyone has bootcamp on a mac nowdays. Especially if you have an SSD drive there is no reason not to have win 10.
To summarize , no mac devs did not give a damn and dont give a damn about OpenGL. Metal has been a massive success for Apple both on iOS and MacOS with its massive boost to performance , because I am sure its not because of the API design.
I dont know if that will convince people to give up bootcamp, but I doubt it. Its not enough to have a native API we also need apps that support it very well made by devs that are actual mac devs and not pc devs trying to code on a mac.