Mad Max

When Pursuit Special was finished I decided to continue by making its owner — Max Rockatansky.

For me it was a possibility to study likeness modeling, which I didn’t do before. I’m not really happy with the result as from some angles it looks similar to young Mel Gibson, and from others it does not. It turned out that in his youth he had not so many recognizable facial features, so definitely not the best face to start with.

Then there was a first experience with Marvelous Designer. Love these simulations :slight_smile:


Before I have not been able to get any result in Blender. For some reason my clothes always tended to explode during the simulation. But retopology was done in Blender.


Added a sawed-off shotgun based on VG Bentley:

Then I added shoes, hands, some details and a rig, and here is a result.

When I started I didn’t know what I want to get in the end, but during production I had an idea: to recreate the Mad Max movie poster from 1980 made by Bill Garland.

And finally after hard hours with fire and smoke simulations I got this:



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Very beautiful result! :ok_hand:

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Recently I needed a new render, more atmospheric and of another format.


Brilliantly executed! Inspirational to newbie Blender artists such as myself

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