Made this Foggy Scene in Blender (with video breakdown)

Made this foggy atmospheric scene a few days back. Wanted to to get some feedback from the blenderartists community.

Here’s a breakdown for the whole scene -


Nice render!
I like the atmosphere a lot, with good lighting!

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Very nice render!
I love the breakdown. Very enjoyable style! I appreciate your humor and honesty about your workflow and thoughts! The advice you give is very valuable, especially for beginners or people starting with environment renders.
Keep it up!

Constructive criticism:
You have a slight scaling issue. The car and the trash bags are enormous compared to the character.
At least for an European. Maybe some people from the US may disagree here.
The foliage for the ground looks a bit too uniform compared to the vast space it fills. Add some more varation. Add some places where the vegetation is higher and denser, maybe even some bushes and some shrubs. This could also work as additional framing. In my opinion at least.

And one missed opportunity: How cool would it look, when the character was placed in such a way that his shadow would be visible on the bridge pillar behind. Just as suggestion.

I’m impressed how good the textures work for the bridge considered you used photo textures and manually positioned the uv islands. Kudos! Should I try more often. It’s quick and effective in this example.

Edit: And yes, you are technically only allowed to use Quixel’s scans and textures with UE. Technically.

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Thanks a lot. That’s some seriously good advice. agree on everything.
Really appreciate you taking the time out to make the comment man.

It’s a really ominous scene; I like it (images that appear to tell a story are usually intrinsically more interesting to me than images without such connotations).

I added the #art-breakdown tag to this topic. It’s my favourite tag. Thank you for providing us with insight into the creation of your process, even if you don’t think of yourself as an actual reader. :wink:

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I like it very much. you might consider making a little story out of it that explains a little more about the background.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!