Well, I wrote that stupid post over in the resources forum about potential game project’s for people of different levels, and felt I should make some of them.
So here is the intermediate one “madman’s pinball.” It took me ~3 hours from scratch and involves basic python coding.
It’s like pinball, but instead of real objects that the ball collides with the ball is repelled away from all surfaces. Instead of flippers your mouse is a movable ‘circle’ that repels the ball. To get points you have to accelerate the ball fast enough to overcome the repulsion and actually hit an object. There are also attracting objects that will subtract points. There is no end to the game, but see how high you get before you give up.
Except that to get that score your difficulty would have gone up slightly (it increases with time…)
I think it might be a little too hard at the moment.
Pretty fun casual game :). Would be very addictive if it wasn’t quite as difficult. I got up to 150 then got slammed into a red circle and that brought me down to about 100
The points system is good, I’d probably say less of a ‘push’ from the green circles. There is a bit of a bug too you’ve probably noticed where if theres too much force on the circle it will fly off into nothingness for a few seconds before being reefed back in. Not too big a problem but slightly annoying.
Er, one thing I encountered was that when the circle hit the red ones it tended to move around it(still touching and like the slingshot thingy spacecraft use) and I could lose 50 points by just scraping the red circles.
After a second try: (It sometimes glitches in the middle area [left of pic] and adds 50+ and changes colour!)
My highest score has been 510 but as I took the shot I lost 20!
It would be better with more user control and less bad pull.
Anyway, well done!
Right, I’ve updated the blend in the first post. Less of a push from the green’s, so it’s easier to get points.
I’ve put it up on bgame as well now.
I do know about the bug where it vanishes for a while, but haven’t been able to sort it out.
Nice, you’re up on the first post.
That place is a good one to be in for giving you lots of points, but it’s a pain to get and stay in, so I think it balances out.
Gameplay wise, it seems very interesting, not really fully engaging for the player but still a well founded idea. As for the lines between the circles, I REALLY love those, really fascinating how you did those too.
I do however have a significant flaw to point out. You can, infact, smash the blue ball against the same green circle over and over to maximise highscore, I found this quite effective with the centre green circle. Yes.
I was just playing the new version and the ball flew off the screen!
I tried again (to keep #1!), used the method described above, was here:
and then the ball disappeared! I think that blue line is the ball!
But aside from the bugs, I’ve been playing this a lot, so well done, I would rate your game 8/10 addictive.