It’s been a long time since I’ve posted! I’ve been slowly working on Stupidia, not much has been achieved there however as I’ve been busy irl! My Halloween Magic Show was a smashing success, I brought in like 35 people to the restaurant and my had an INCREDIBLE amount of fun while doing so! I got to take over the restaurant, decorate, people took pictures with me and videos, it was great!
After my boss saw that my ideas actually worked and brought in people he said I could do the same thing for Christmas, so I’ve been taking over for the whole MONTH of December and having a blast, however it does make things harder for animation!
But in the time I have been animating, I decided to finally bite the bullet and try to learn sculpting! It does lag my computer somewhat but now I’ve made a few sculpts, and I’m fairly happy with the results!
My first ever sculpt:
Some witch sculptures I made, I didn’t learn really things like you make the hair separately, or clothing articles so I literally made the whole thing and retopologized it on one giant mesh(except the broom and eyeballs) I took a hand sculpting class and think I did kind of good for my first hand!
My first full character actually by the book done sculpt, made as a birthday present to a friend, it’s just her DnD character made into 3D using only the picture she made on the app pitcrew for reference!
And now the main attraction, a character I actually plan on fully rigging and animating! Major Sweets the candymaker villain featured in HHN 31, I loved his aesthetic and just all around how he looked so animated in real life, so I decided to MAKE him animated, and I plan on making all the characters featured in Sweet Revenge(the section he was featured in) and making animations with all of them in Stupidia(I do not plan on building an entire new street based off the one in Sweet Revenge JUST to make animations for them LOL)
This is all I have for now, I’m going to have to go through and see what the people I’m following posted before going off the website! The only changes with Stupidia for now is I made a couple more blueprints for them, but I want to focus more on being able to make animatable characters and not just hard surface modeling for now, so I can be good at both! Good day!