I’m a very much beginner with Blender. I want to do something very basic, I want to make a video introduction with a certain image. I thought the video below would help me get up to speed, but my SVG image is a bit different. The black border at the side of the speech bubble is gone when importing it into Blender.
This is what I made in Inkscape.

And this is how it now looks like in Blender.
In Blender I want to animate it slightly, e.g. by slowly turning the logo to the left and have some smooth camera effect.
But I’m now a bit stuck with creating a border around the logo. Can someone maybe point me towards a tutorial or documentation that can help me do all this? I tried to extrude the borders, but the copy of the non-extruded version was somehow linked to the original. So when I gave the copy a black color, the original also became black. Also, the border became round, not a straight edge.