I want to make a small square on each corner on the face of a cube.
Subdividing is no good because it will create a lot of other squares and merging the ones I don’t want will take a lot of time.
Using Boolean isn’t helpful either… it makes a lot of triangles and weird faces all over the cube.
Any tips?
(My goal is to, after the squares are made, I delete them and put some cylinders in there. I’m making a snooker table.)
Thanks for all the input. While I was waiting for replies I tried the knife tool one more time and this time I succeeded. Took a lot of time though.
I had to manually edit the coordinates of every single new vertex so it would be perfect. Then separate all squares to a new object, applied the Boolean to them with the cylinders and finally merge everything.
Altho, this thread is already marked as solved, here is what I made, in a screencast. I did almost the same thing than Blenderallday, and a little more.
For future references… And just because I would hate having fought for nothing with Blender screencast recording function and YouTube which butchered my awesome (almost) 1080p video of 81 MB to make a blurry 720p crap. (Download the original MP4!)
If nobody learns anything with this video, I learned something. That’s a lot already.
EDIT: Oops! I forgot to attach the blend file.