Make an object invisible on Cycles


Im having problems to make some faces of an object disappear with Cycles.
With other objects from my scene I have no problem. I animate the factor and it becomes totally transparent.
But with this there is like a part in black dependent on the movement of the camera.

Here is the settings of the material:

And here the render:

Am I doing something wrong? I checked the geometry and there is no double vertices or extra geometry.

Thank you.

Try increasing transparency bounces in render properties.

Always include an example .blend that showcases the problem.


sorry i misread your question, i thought you wanted all of the object to not render.

could you show a picture of the mesh that you are trying to make transparent?

It looks like the object has more than one material, and you’re affecting only one of them. Alternatively, could those parts that are still visible be different objects?

This solved the problem. Thank you.