Make honey,help!!!

hello guys , i want to model honey like that in the picture!!plz

just use the fluid sim to make this liquid shape
and it should work !


i tried that, but no result

show pics of what you got
but you probably have to re edit the mesh after the fluid sim to give it a better shape!

blender guru has a nice intro for making donuts with creame which is using fluid sim
that should help you make it !


thanks man , i’ll

maybe he was attacked before he could finish^

Go top view, model contour of honey out of 2d bezier curve; convert to mesh and delete all inside edge mess - select contour edges, invert selection, delete. Then F to create polygon. Inset faces - Ctrl-F Inset. Delete inside polygon which leaves you with contour ribbon. Shinkwrap project that to pie (needs to be one object together with bottom plane). Bit of manual filling the faces, apply Solidify modifier and you have honey.

a short video would be even better if possible in this case i guess!

but guru video should give a good way of doing it !
