Make Sapling Tree Gen fit Leaves Atlas

I created a tree using Sapling Tree Gen and want to use this. But, if I press U and pick any of the options it does not work, but some get close. How do I do UV mapping for a bunch of leaves like this?:

When you press U you create a new UV projection, so if your leave object is already UV mapped it’s going to lose the original projection it had.

I’m assuming that the leaf had already a UV map, instead of using U you could select random leaves from your model and separate them from the original model. Do that several times until you have enough different meshes to cover all your leaves in the texture. Then you manually adjust the leaves in the UV editor for each one of the objects and then join them again.

Does that help somehow?

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You may try to reset UV-s, and scale them to have the right aspect ratio.

Then, in edit mode, there should be a select - random option. Use that to select only a few islands (maybe drag the rest outside the UV space so you see the result).

Then you could drag the randomly selected ones to a leaf you like. I think you can also hide that part in edit mode with H, and Alt H unhides if I recall correctly. So, you pick random, set upon a leaf, then hide. Repeat it as long as you finish with all the islands.

I haven’t tried this myself, but hopefully it works well, and helps :grin:

Happy blending! :blush:

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I forgot you could select randomly in the UV editor. :joy::joy::joy:

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Oh actually yes, did not occur to me either XD but one panel, or the other, it’s worth a shot :grin:

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