Make up


Amazing work! The character is great and I really like the fogginess on the mirror. Good job. :grinning:

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Thanks, man.

Great work! Any news on an English version of your course?

Still on contract until July. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I love that your characters have character, and the images feel like you captured a moment in time.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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You’ve done a good job.

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ficou lindão isso ai man! parabéns :sparkling_heart:

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Fantastic. Very telling, like she kissed herself in the mirror :joy: Perfect observation, the rest has already been mentioned. I wonder how many poses you got for her already, or is this something you quickly do as “drive by blending”? I have too little experience with characters to properly estimate something like this.

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@CalvinChris thanks, man!
@M3deiros valeu, meu bom! é sempre uma honra receber um comentário seu!
@Corniger I have a base mesh that I created for myself (and for selling hahah) that is already rigged, so I pose before doing anything else just to feel the scene.

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WOW! you really nailed the character AMAZING! :fire:

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Ooh, Nice!!! Can you tell us how you did the misted mirror please? I have some windows I was wanted to do exactly that with! Thanks

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@Loco3d thanks, my man!
@Chamine that was a lot of masks for the roughness and normal map.


@Icaro_Carvalho you are well aware that pictures of topless women must be tagged nsfw , we’ve had this conversation with you multiple times.

I’m not aware at all, because it’s hard to me to understand where you guys draw the line, apparently this subject is very subjective.

But that isn’t problem at all, I’ll continue to post my things and if I cross that line, then you do your great work. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is this serious? How, in any way, is this work prurient or offensive? And surely, conversations/admonishments like this should be done in private DMs!?

Thanks Icaro. Great work!

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Would you mind showing me the node setup for this please…i’m bit of a novice with nodes/materials and keen to up my game!