Make Voronoi fade out with gradient

How do I make a Voronoi fade out with gradient?

The first picture shows my Blender node set up and the second is a mockup done in a painting app.

You must create a “mix factor map”.
It can be a classic texture that uses UV maps to be applied to your 3d model or in simple cases it could be generated inside blender itself like in this example where I’ve used the Z coordinate to say “use voronoi for bottom and yellow for the top” :

That’s great thanks @LazyVirus

I think I had something similar (with a Voronoi driving a Mix node) but a Mapping node in between the Texture and ColorRamp node (instead of the the Sparate XYZ node) but it didn’t work. Can the Separate XYZ node be replaced my a Mapping node?

I also see I didn’t have any kind of Diffuse Shader node

Take care that mine was just an example, you can put any kind of map as a mix factor.
Anyway you cant (shouldn’t ) put mapping node straight in between texture coordinate and colorramp cause mapping node outputs a vector value while colorramp takes in input a scalar value (notice the different socket color).
The correct way in this case would be put mapping node and gradient texture in between.
Like that:

I dont understand what you mean.

In my first post I didn’t have any kind of Diffuse Shader before the Material Output, which I thought you needed.

Looking at it again, the colours are each generated by a Diffuse Shader so maybe that’s okay… ?

Depends what you want I guess? - if you want a surface to behave like a simple surface that recieves light then you need some kind of Diffuse Shader, somewhere.

I’ve tried both your setups and learned so much from both. Outside of understanding the node connections and the node types -

yellow = Colour
grey = Value
purple = Vector…

red = Input
orange = Texture
yellow = Colour
green = Shader
blue = Converter
violet = Vector …

I never would have thought of needing to use a Gradient Texture node in between the Mapping and Colour node to convert the vector information to colour information - from what I’ve seen some nodes convert the information on the fly like Colour information to Value information.

It’s very easy for tutorials, even good ones, to quickly go from a simple node setup to a complicated spaghetti highway without important nuts and bolts understanding of nodes like this.

Thanks @LazyVirus