I’ve got an issue with rigged MakeHuman objects interfering with how my cloth objects behave.
I’ve made a cape for a rigged MakeHuman person. When I pinned it to the MH object and played the animation to allow the cloth to fall, it behaved very strangely. It flew up, rolled on the edges, and didn’t fall in any manner even remotely considered properly.
I played around with the settings, and nothing really changed.
I removed the MH object, and the cape fell just fine. I drew up some dummy objects, set collision, and the cape fell just fine.
There’s got to be something with the MH object, but I can’t tell what it is.
Has anyone here had a similar experience? Do you have a possible solution?
Make sure the scale on the human and the cape are both 1. You can see the scale in the properties panel (hit n) if not, select obejct, ctrl a and choose ‘scale’
I got the scale as “1” on the cape and the model. That didn’t affect much.
What it’s doing is holding the cloth away from the body a few inches. It will fall into the body just fine, but then it looks like a force field pushes the cape away. Forcefield for the MH object is off, and I can’t find any setting that would cause this effect.
I’m sort of confused right now. I’m going to continue to look at settings and see if I find anything.
Thanks BiggR. I looked at that, but it doesn’t seem to be the issue, but one would think it would.
While looking around last night, I ran across the MHX-2 export option for MH and Blender. I got it setup for both programs, exported basically the same object, and the problem went away. The cape fell just fine. So, right now, I’m going to play around with the MHX-2 format to see if it will work. Right now, it looks great.
I’m still curious to know what happened with the original MHX format, but honestly, if I have a working solution, I’m fine with that.