Making a custom node for geometry node in Blender 4.1

I want to make a custom node in Blender 4.1
This is what I have so far but it doesn’t seen to work as I can’t find it.

import bpy 
# Custom node type 
class MyCustomNode(bpy.types.Node): 
    bl_idname = "MyCustomNodeType" 
    bl_label = "My Custom Node" 
    bl_icon = "NODE"
    def init(self, context):"NodeSocketFloat", "Input")"NodeSocketFloat", "Output") 
# Register and unregister functions 
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__": 

Eventually I want this node to do something but I want to get this right for now.
also I could prefer the node to appear in input/constant.
If someone could help me with that. I will appreciate it.

Yeah, you’re not going to do it like that.

Geonodes are written in c not python.

Hope that helps.

Yeah I saw that but I was hoping that they would have a python version like for the shader nodes.