Making a Hosta "twilight" leaf

Hi, I would like to make this leaf, the green and yellow. I am having trouble with the boundary between the yellow and the green, I can’t make it noisy. I flipped the UV map over on itself to make a mirror of each side.


This is what I have.

hosta_leaf-3-1-0.blend (1.2 MB)

And why not continue from you original post Modeling a plant - #15 by a59303 ?? You are cutting of all the people who already answered you…

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Have a look a some edge shaders setups, heres one used for a guitar, Im sure it can be wrangled to make a noisier effect for leaves.

Cycles only, because bevel node…

A quick attempt…

Well, I figured it wasn’t a WIP and this was material/texture related.

I gonna have to check these two out. Thank You.

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OK I tried this for a while but it was noisy I don’t get why. Also it wasn’t really detecting the edge in my sample leaf. Instead I used a musgrave texture to generate a mask for the noise to make a pattern. I am still having trouble creating a pattern on the edge of the mask. So that there is solid color then an edge then solid color. To this end I tried adding another mix color node but it didn’t seam to give me what I wanted. This is where I am at now.

for 3.10
hosta-leaf-pattern-work.blend (880.5 KB)


Anyone have any more ideas? I am trying to paint these and having very little luck, also I am trying to find Hosta leaves online and maybe getting a good sample there. I don’t really seem to have a method to approach this.

Right now I have this image but it looks pretty amateurish.

It’s a start, anyway, the main thing is that you need a Quadratic Sphere Gradient to isolate the edge.

It would be better to leave the color ramp black and white, and use it as a Factor between a green leaf texture (you can add the ridges with a Wave texture) and the yellow leaf texture

Hi, what I have been struggling with is getting the pattern to follow the grooves in the leaves (or have that pattern). Is this possible; Where in red the pattern will follow?

A few different methods here, but all the same material.

Its worth persuing the bevel node and or pointiness, and looking at dirty vertex colors and maybe modelling some of yr features in.

Somekind of problem is (referencing :

Taxonomists differ on the number of Hosta species; there may be as many as 45. Accordingly, the list of species given here may be taken loosely. The genus may be broadly divided into three subgenera. Interspecific hybridization occurs since all the species have the same chromosome number (2n = 2x = 60); except [H. ventricosa] which is a natural [tetraploid]that sets seed through apomixis. Many cultivated hostas formerly described as species have been reduced to cultivars these often have their names conserved, and retain [Latinized] names which resemble species names (e.g., Hosta ‘Fortunei’).

So my search of ‘hosta single leaf’ (sorted by image size) gives:

with some the largest first two of 2532x4452 and 3312x4415… (here are seven of them),,[ekm]787x1000[ekm].jpg,,,,

OK, @Okidoki I have determined that the specific Hosta is the “twilight”, I think refered to as Hosta twilight. It is yellow and green. It seems also called a Plantain Lily as mentioned by @AgentTuron here: Modeling a plant - #3 by AgentTuron .I was loosly following the original image that I posted. @AlphaChannel I was hoping to use a procedural texture because there would be much greater variety and control. Thank you so much for all your effort. I don’t want to spend a lot of time and loose my focus. At this point I have used an image and I think it looks pretty good. This is part of a larger “water garden” scene. I realized at this point that I need many more leaves in the scene so the variety aspect may come into play in the future. Unfortunately the nodes that where posted are not a big enough image to see the specific nodes. This is what I have now:


Looks amazing! :blush: Have an awesome weekend, and keep up the good work!
Happy blending! :blush:

Thanks for the compliment and well wishes.

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