I have now created a straight piece of a Coaster and wanted to ask if it is possible to create out of this piece a perfect curve? Is there a trick to do this?
When I try to create one, by extruding and rotating it doesnt look good
Its not clear exactly what you want to do. There are numerous ways to make curved meshes so the most appropriate way for your situation isn’t known without more info such as
Screenshots of your current object,
What exactly you want to achieve,
Attach your current blend file,
What blender version are you using.
I have created the left image (Straight Track Piece) and I want to know if there"s a way to create from that straight piece, a curve like on the right image the red lines.
I use the Version 2.46 because the exporter for the Game doesnt work with newer version
Those are not curves, those are clothoids. Also known as spiral curves.
A circle segment as curve would generate too high centrifugal forces on entering the “curve”
3 ways… you can:
use the “spin” function in the mesh tools and then scale it to a spiral curve.
subdivide a plane and rotate it with the soft selection
use splines
I´d use splines really as they allow the best curve control and you can convert them to a mesh any time.