Making a specular map?

Hello once again!

I’m making a heavily-stylized skeleton character and I need the part of the skull’s texture map representing the empty eyes sockets to not reflect light at all. I know that this is supposed to be done with a specular map (at least I think its a specular map that I’m thinking of) to define how much light is reflected on specific areas of the texture map but I don’t know how to create one as I don’t have a lot of experience with baking textures in Blender.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do?

Thanks in advance!

Hi, you can set up a material like this and use an attribute to control a mask.

select the eye verts and make a vertex group assign a weight of 1.

go to vertex paint and select weight to vertex paint to get a mask of those eyes, then make a shader like above.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the response. I’m not sure what you mean by eye vertices as the eye sockets on my models are just a texture.

What I’m specifically trying to do is make it so that the black parts of the texture map which represent the eye sockets not reflect light, as opposed to the white area which is suppose to have a bit of a sheen to it.

That is exactly what I have shown you.

have you plugged your texture into specular as your post says you want a specular map?

I’m sorry, I just don’t know exactly what you mean by eye vertices. Am I suppose to select just the faces that are within the area of the black portions of the texture?

Not to my knowledge, I mean don’t know how to make a specular map to begin with, which is why I’m asking for help.

Plug yr texture into the specular. Coloramp to adjust.

I suggest you do some tutorials to familiarise with common 3d terms suchas vertex, and specular map.

Have you looked at Blender Guru Donut tutorial?

Okay, I finally got it working.

Thanks for all the help!