making curves fat

does anyone know how i can make the cross “fat” ? i used curves to make all the items, then converted to mesh, i still have the curves version if it helps. Atm its just a simple line instead of a cross, i want it to have volume and a surface, how do i do that?

linked pic

sorry for typo


Well, using the (mesh) cross, select all vertices and then Shift-F to fill the faces (or try filling them manually for a better result by selecting 4 vertices and pressing F). Then, while still having the vertices selected, extrude the whole cross in side view.

cool ill try that now!

edit: doesnt seem to be working, shift-f in now way whatsoever… and pressing f then make gives the response: no faces selected to make Fgon?

Make sure the cross outline is closed: select the two bottom vertices, then F to connect them. Then, try again.

cool its working, thanx alot Friday13!

bah! dont seem to be working still! can i link it up and let sum1 do it for me so that i understand what its supposed to end up like…?


edit: need same thing with upper part of the horse

Create at ‘beziercircle’ and set it as a ‘bevObj’ (F9 window) on the curve.

play around with that :slight_smile:

Panacco, I suggest you look here, and more specifically the modelling sections.

The horse’s head is more complex than the structure of the other pieces, but then again it depends on the style of the chess set.