Making fear

So, I was thought you could help me out on this one.
The scene looks empty and I need something to fill it up before I start texturing.
I wanted to ask, what makes a scene give the impression of being ominous, the objects, lights or camera angles?
I would appreciate your thoughts and critique.

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Hello !

What a question ! :smiley:
Short answer : yes !

Slightly longer answer :
Well rule N°1 : every creative decision makes an impact on the viewer , when all these decision goes in the same direction the impact or general impression is much stronger.

Give them rainbow neon colors, and put that on the walls

and it be harder to make that feel omnious, but still possible, since rule N°2 : everything can work once you master the rule N°1.

Here I looked for scary people with neon colors :

Adding little hearts will only make it creepier…

Now back to your image :
I’ll first do a rough pass on texturing, just to have something that feels final, so you can work on the light whenever you want.

The composition can be better but it’s not bad, same with the lighting.

Now about the image in general, it can work better if you imply some kind of ritual. Make them do something. Things are scary by association. The more hints you add to the image the better it will work…

They can also be spaced a bit more cleverly.
A quick doodle :

This reminds me of the movie eyes wide shut ? did you see it ?
Could be interesting for inspiration, but there are a lot of movies that uses similar reference.
Having good reference for lighting and framing always helps !

Hopes that helps to get the ball rolling, I can give more precise feedback later if you want !
Have fun !


Looks cool! Maybe a much lower camera angle with a slight dutch angle could make the viewer feel uneasy.