Making of foam animation

Hello everyone,

That is my first ever post here, coming out my shell.
I have been scratching my head on this one for quite some time.
I had said I am an average Blender user, I know things, but lack depths.

So I have been trying to achieve an animation of foam.
Just like foam one finds in pool parties.

Two methods came to my understanding, which I fail to make look convincing enough.

One would be to use the fluid simulation with a texture applied to the fluid.
Though, after playing with parameters for a while, I cannot reach more than a jelly sort of look when it moves.
Also, the main body of foam should break or tire when submitted to forces, which cannot be reached either.

Second, would be to use particule simulation.
With particules being spheres of sorts.
Though, to reach a realistic behavior, particules should not only colide but melt within one another, emerge or disappear.
Emerging and disapearing is fine, but the melting of two bubbles into one is beyond my reach.

I assume the complexity resides in the fact that foam is a mix between a water behavior and air behavior.
… and I cannot fathom how to trick such a thing :confused:

Did anyone ever attempt to create foam such as this? not only a picture, but its animating?
I really have been looking around, but the beer static image tutorials doesn’t exactly help :confused:

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Depending on, what version of blender, you can use a molecular script add on by pyroevil. I don’t have the link at the moment.

When you get the addon, you can make a single bubble, and have the particles spawn the ‘bubble’ and after getting familiar to the add-on, you can make it to where it can bounce around and make single links break like real foam.

The ‘popping’ of the foam particles is tricky, but there is two ways I know of. Either get an animated texture ( which will require python), or having another object( this one will be invisible) going around with collision physics allowing it to kill particles causing them to ‘pop’.

Thanks for the tip.
I am working my way around the add on and will and will let you know how it goes. :slight_smile:

For those who might be interested, here is the link for the molecular add on for 2.80:

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I am happy to help. :wink: