Making Realistic Concrete Pt 2

This is the texture I am trying to achieve

This is the result of baking

I am trying to make some cast concrete textures, as seen in the photo above. I cannot find any textures available, so I have to do it on my own.

My knowledge of baking in Blender is good, but still rudimentary. I have included a photo of what I am able to come up with. When I add a concrete texture to that, it looks…off, by a great mile! Is it possible to adjust the depth of the cylinders I used to make the dimples? I have tried CrazyBump, but to no avail.

My method for doing the baking is to have a plane, UV unwrap it and create a new image in the UV editor. Then I add a cylinder and modify it so it will bake as a hole/dimple in the UV editor. It comes out ok, but as I said, it is just uninspiring. I need to make them deeper it seems. Thank you for any help you can convey.

You say realistic… Normalmaps can give just what they can. Which is not a lot and is fake anyways. Why you are afraid of actually modeling these? Any restrictions or what?
While i was thinking i put one together - Plane, some puncher object out of cylinders, Boolean modifier and that’s mostly it.
Quick dirty vertex/hand painted texture combined with procedural surface so that if you get close there is some concrete resembling stuff going on. I might have done too big diameters of the holes…

Yeah, “realistic-y” would have probably been more descriptive title.

I thought about boolean, but I remember being told boolean is bad. Especially with textures. I will try it and post my results, see what happens.

How did you get the texture on the boolean? When I do it it goes all berzerk.

I achieved something close, not with boolean, but I thought I would post with what I finally achieved while baking and photoshop.

Thanks for your input!

Heh… That was true some time ago… bad.
Now it just works. Automagically, thanks to devs. Your mesh needs to be clean tough - no double vertices, no self intersecting faces, normalized normals and it works.
And ngons can be dealt with too.

Use floaters!

That’s all there is in mine. There is one plane using subsurf which was used to quick vertex paint. This texture was a basis to the one applied.

Yours i guess uses normalmaps where you have a bit of an error. On the right wall normalmap gives opposite effect and you get rivets going on.

Yeah, in my image above I am using the same texture. One side it is reversed, the other it is, well, normal.

What are “floaters”? is that the geometry above a mesh that is baked onto the mesh?

I am still experimenting with boolean, but I get very bad texture results. The faces are all blah.