Hello, I’v been working on this and I want to get it perfect before moving on to texture which poses a big question. What is the best way to texture this model and what texture do I use? I’m a noob at all things but modeling so help would be appretiated.
things I did:
modeled the mesh
set the basic scene
things I need to do:
texture the mesh
rig the mesh(optional)
animate(optional too)
i’m doing minor twicking to the mesh so cunstructive critisism would be ideal. :eyebrowlift2:
guitarfreaking - it’s rare that you find a pre-made uv material from someone/somewhere else that simply works on your model. The general idea is unwrap your mesh, save the uv layout and then make / paint / assemble etc your own.
Everything looks great, the only crits I have are that you might want to smooth out the bumps on his face and make the chin to lip more of a smoother transition. It looks like he is puckering.
lol! try post the wires in Edit Mode, solid, I don’t know about you but it’s hard for me to see what’s going where with all the cross-sectioning going on! Also, Object Mode doesn’t necessarily draw all the lines…
You’ve got a decent start, I recommend using reference images for getting the shape of the mouth, eyes, ears, well… everything.
The corners of your mouth are sticking out away from the face. Take a look at some references to see how they should be flat and sort of taper into the face.
I agree, it is pretty hard. I hope you know I wasn’t trying to make light of the process. One thing you could do to smooth that area of the mouth is to use Sculpt Mode>> Smooth (brush) and smooth over the area. You don’t need to add a multires or anything. I use the sculpt tool quite a bit just to help with the modeling process, without adding more detail necessarily.