Male head model

I took a couple of hours to make this model. I have yet to add any serious materials/textures as I would like to try 2.5s new sculpt features. I welcome any advice on how to create head textures/maps.

Well for a start that is a top notch looking job you have there, looks 1st rate. About the texturing, im not the best person to give advice but possibly give the head a basic skin looking material and texture then look into uv-mapping to add the detail and definition that you will most likely want.

Keep up the good work.

He looks like a character I’ve seen called Blind Bob, Bob isn’t Blind but he is theoretically Blind.
Any I like this keep it up!

Really nice character.

Are there any good guides for UV mapping a head like this? Does anybody have any tips on how I can create an easy to use UV map?

I have created this UV map by selecting the vertices of the foremost face (eyes, mouth, nose) and then unwrapping by the projection from view method. I pinned these vertices in place and then unwrapped the rest of the model, pinning and re-unwrapping where necessary,

I have yet to figure how I can unwrap the ears seperately (they are obviously not coming up nicely!)

if you place some seams around you model lscm unwrap works a treat, unwrapping a bust becomes a 10 to 15 minute job or even less at times. Your current method seems kind of long

here this T seam set up for uv map unwrap is the best I find.

Sorry double post.

I have used the LSCM unwrapping method with the T seam set up in this example, but in the details of the face it became distorted. I pinned the vertices of the eyes/nose/mouth/ears to make things a bit easier, but otherwise allowed the LSCM unwrap to do the rest.

I am left with this, and I have begun work in creating the diffuse map in GIMP, although this is slow progress at the moment.

Progress so far with creating UV texture.

Test bump map render.