How many women are into 3d?
It seems to me that 3d is almost a male thing
I just wondered…
How many women are into 3d?
It seems to me that 3d is almost a male thing
I just wondered…
whooooooooooooooo carrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
obviously someone i guess because there’s a BAZILLION similar threads
Obviously because they think this thread is a joke.
Nothing on you of course.
rolandixer > Why are there so many “non-humans/other” in the poll?
I don’t really consider transvestites and others to be of the opposite sex. You’re born a man, you’re always a man…
What about…
aliens, eunchs, hermaphrodites, undecided, dragons, fairies, demons, angels, morons and other non listed gender neutral beings, creatures and lifeforms.
and you are marketting what, exactly? This forum? Blender?
you mean how beginners always seem to want to make attractive models instead of unattractive ones? Face it, rolandixor, the reason attractive girls are attractive is because they are, well, for lack of a better term, attractive. And you have a problem with this? Or is it because of the nudity? The 3D world did not invent sex, man. It’s been around for a while.
and what unfair deal are women getting here? Do moderators lock women’s threads more often? Are women underrepresented in the Gallery (and how could you tell, anyway, with usernames)? Are comments and suggestions to other artists ignored because the poster is female?
The situation here, rolandixor, is that with age and gender anonymity, you DON’T KNOW who you’re talking to. If not knowing whether your correspondent is male or female (or transvestite, apparently) is a problem for you, you might consider taking a serious look at that attitude.
Im more of an omnipotent deity so I don’t need a gender
I think I voted Man
I’m a naked mole rat.
There are a lot of posts about this already. Thread closed!