Manga 3d Model Fan Art - Mimic from "All You Need Is Kill (manga)"

I’m a new comer here in Blender Artist… or rather new poster.
Here’s a 3d fan art of my model of the manga adaptation of “All You Need Is Kill” which is a Japanese light novel that was also adapted into a Hollywood movie called “Edge of Tomorrow” (have you watched it yet?).
I’m pretty sure I screwed up parts of the design :slight_smile:

Here’s the image i based it on:

The colors were made via procedural textures.
The project was made to study Blender more and was supposed to be a 1 month project but went into 3 1/2 months. I chose a simple design but eventually I found myself getting delayed because I didn’t know how to achieve the look that I wanted which was realistic, still new to cycles and no experience with the compositor yet.
I still have a lot to learn :slight_smile:

Here are pictures of my progress (sorry for the low resolution):

Here are the base models, I feel that i should not have made to much details at the carapace and should have went straight to sculpting.

My sculpt work, still very new to this…

My finished noding and materials. This was the part I had a lot of trouble working on the texture where I wanted to control them to look the way I wanted to. This is where I realized how hard it is to make an organic material while only having procedural textures as your color.

Well done!
It makes me think about this Final Fantasy monster :