Manga Eyes???

I currently have this Manga character modelled however I have no idea of how to model Manga style eyes.

If anyone could give me some tips or point me to a decent tutorial, it would be much appreciated.
Also if anyone has any general feedback on the model so far it would be great!

Try looking at tutorials on how to draw manga eyes, they have a particular syle:
also probably should have the eyebrow black :slight_smile:

Im still unsure about how to model the eyes so they can be animated but still look like manga eyes! Thanks the black eyebrows make it lots better!

I may have to create a tutorial on how I create my anime like characters once I get the final steps of my test animation started.

The anime eyes can be with different looks, best is to look at the existing models for ref.

You could work around the modelling issue by going for animated eye textures, that way you should get as close as possible to 2d anime.

I found some 3d anime that have modelled eyes searching the internet so u could search for some and then decide which of the adaptations you want to go for and post a link to it
so ppl here can help you achieving that style if you do find any that you like that is :slight_smile:

This is the kind of eyes i want on my model?
Any idea’s how to do it??

I’d look at appleseed for reference. The eyes are flat with a simple texture.

Hey How do you think this looks??

There a bit realistic but I think there okay?
Is there any way to get the sharp white reflections on the eye like in manga??

The image doesnt load here, but here is what you need
This is from the artist of maid san.

Okay, Thanks Guys.
Think These eyes are okay?

Going to add a bit more detail round the eye but Im pretty happy with them!

ah see you have found your way I was just about tothis but it’s already obsolete :smiley:

Hey yeah I used a similar methord! I will Probley use your methord in one of the other chariters I need to model!

Latest update! not done much more but think the eyes are fine now and the skin colour is better??

Just a note,you don’t usually see shadows on the faces of anime/manga characters.

There is usually only shadows present in high detailed anime like Apple Seed.

Im trying to go for a more traditional style such as Studio Ghibli’s style, there is a shadow on the face of most the characters but I think i might have to much shadow now you mention it!