In 2.7 it used to be possible to select multiple manipulator types at the same time. I always worked with both move and scale turned on (prefer Rkey for rotation). You can choose the Transform manipulator, but that shows all three, and I find that I have to avoid the bloody rotation circles to get to the arrows. Much too fiddly. Why is this important functionality gone in 2.8? Is it coming back? I certainly hope it’s coming back. It’d be pretty awful if it didn’t.
Also who decided you could use manipulators or border select but not both at the same time? That’s just so backward and impractical. I was actually stoked to finally have border selection without having to use the Bkey every time, but if it’s a this-or-that between Border Select and a manipulator, the manipulator will win every time.
And last but not least, even when there’s Border select active, for some reason you still move the cursor when you left click. That’s just bizarre that you can use the cursor at the same time as border select, but you can’t have a manipulator on.