Manuel Bastioni Lab, turns Blender in a laboratory for 3d humanoids creation

Confirmed and fixed. The fixing has improved the overall results. THANK YOU. It will be in lab 1.6.2.

You are right, but this would require time to collect and organize the resources and keep them updated. Also before to endorse external links on the official site I’d prefer to try the suggested methods and tutorials, and this would require additional time.
I’m spending all my resources working hard on great improvements of the lab (you will see the new topology for humans and anime!) for this reason I prefer to stay focused on the development of the lab and the official documentation, confident that the open source community will spontaneously provide to organize the external resources and info.

First I want to thank you for this amazing addon.

After finalizing a character for which I modified the face I get one vertex that is placed incorrectly. How could I fix this?


First I want to thank you very much for this amazing addon.

After finalizing a character for which I modified the face I get one vertex that is placed incorrectly. How could I fix this?

I figured out how to use this in Marvelous Designer, finally. But now this brings me to another problem.

When wearing clothes I would naturally want to remove the underlying mesh so it doesn’t poke through, and to save on polygon count (this is for use in Unity). But removing any polygons would break the facial morphs. Not good!

Is there any plan to eventually split the mesh to a more game-friendly way? Like head-neck as one mesh with facial morphs, and the body as a second mesh, no morphs required? I think this would make it far better to work with for those making games.

I agree with the orginal poster. But Manuel has done a great job with his website so it’s all good. He has done a LOT better job showing and explaining things on his site and in this thread that about 50% of the addon authors.

New topology sounds interesing!

Any hints you would like to share about the direction of topology changes at this point?

I assume it depends on the clothes which polygons need to be removed (e.g. shorts vs. long pants). I select all the polygons I want to remove and then delete with “Only Edges & Faces”. Now the underlying mesh doesn’t poke through anymore.

So I decided to test out the most recent build of the addon on 2.79 but I came across one problem. After downloading the file, I tried to install it and activate the script, but I get this message in the Info section.

What’s the best course of action to solve this problem?


@taco: maybe a workaround until you of someone else finds the correct solution is to just place the vertex manually…
1)select the vertex
2) grow your selection +++
3) invert selection ‘i’
4) hide the inverted selection ‘h’
5) adjust the vertex…

this sounds like a lot of work but can be done in about 5-10 seconds…if you know the hot keys.

A weird update on my problem. It turns out that it can work on 2.78 C but not the most recent release of the program!

Interesting. I will evaluate the feasibility for future releases (after 1.7).

The lab is designed to work with official versions of Blender.
When I release it I can’t know the future evolution of the Blender code in the unstable branch. So I develop and test the lab using only the current stable and official Blender as reference.

How have you modified the face? Using the lab morph or manually moving verts? Have you done this before or after the finalization? Have you changed the topology? Does the verts appear using shapekeys?

All I did was “init Character”, Random generator “Realistic” “Generate”, Finalize tools “Finalize with textures and backup”. Then if you open the mouth this vertex is wrong. Here’s a link to the file:

MBLab 1.6.1, Blender v2.79

I just tried Blender 2.79.2 hash:1beb6b4 (today build) and the lab works fine.
Perhaps you have installed the new lab without unistall the the old lab? In that case you just need to restart Blender to free the python cache.

I cannot reproduce the problem, anyway from your description it seems that the random generator called a morph that moved this vert in a wrong position. I will better check later.

Another question (I cannot download the blend for some reasons): when the mouth is closed is the vert still wrong? In other words, is the bug in the shapekey or the basis shape?

If the problem is a shepekey, you have to select the shapekey to fix, while if the problem is on the basis shape, you have to select the “Basis” shapekey from the same panel. Both them can be found in the Blender standard tab Property->Data-> Shape Keys.

In both cases you need to enter in edit mode (TAB KEY) press L-KEY with the mouse on external skin (for example on the arm) in order to select the linked verts (it should select all except the eyes, tongue mouth and eyelashes) press H-KEY to hide them, then select the wrong vert (RIGHT CLICK) and move it (G-KEY).

To investigate the bug it’s important to know if it’s a shapekey or the basis, because they require two different debug processes.

I made some more tests on another computer and in MBLab 1.6.0 the problem didn’t exist. But in 1.6.1 it always happens but sometimes you cannot see it if the mouth is closed. But in the first picture of my post it is also visible when the mouth is closed. It depends on the randomly generated character. Here’s a better picture with the mouth open.

I think it’s the “basis” shapekey but I was not able to fix it because it seems it’s more than one vertex, I’m a beginner in blender.
The vertex belongs to the teeth.
And the tongue also seems to have one vertex which is problematic:

I was able to fix the vertex in the “basis” but then when I move the “Expression_jawOut_max” it goes back to the wrong position and even further up.

Here’s a better image of the shapekey and tongue after I fixed it in the basis:

Oh hmm, That’s a technique I never considered. I wonder if Unity would play nice with that… I’ll have to try.

I appreciate that. Thanks. :slight_smile: