I’m proud to announce the born of my new creation: “Manuel Bastioni Lab”, a tool to turn Blender in a powerful laboratory for 3d humanoids creation.
It permits to easily create rigged humans and anime models with few clicks.
I wrote it upon the 15 years experience gained on CG characters projects (for example www.makehuman.org) and I’m happy to share it with you.
It is free and open source and can be downloaded from my site http://www.manuelbastioni.com
Thank you! I still have many things to add to lab…it’s not just a simple character creator, but I’m developing it with a scientific orientation (for realistic types).
I’ll post a short video soon. In meantime here is an infographic about the meaning of “type” in lab.
I am quite perplexed by the UV layout: e.g. huge space dedicated to legs and tiny areas for eyes. Even worse a single UV layout for the whole figure (Poser/DAZ figures use at least face+head, body, arms+legs and eyes). Having a single material for the whole character does not help :(.
As it is now, making good portraits is out of question.
Version 1.0.0 is mainly focused on modelling features. It provides a base UV layout for general use.
Materials are just place holders.
Next releases will gradually add more support for materials (in particular cycles) and special UV projections.
The quick list of to-do is available here:
Now this is something that might come in handy Many thanks for making this open, a great gesture Just one suggestion: As tempting as it is to make a new tab for every plugin, it makes the toolbar very hard to navigate after awhile. I would suggest putting this under the Create tab
For making humanoids you could make it have a percentage slider for what type of animal you want to mix with the
character.The percentage slider would allow people to modify how similar the character will be to that type of animal.
I think the aliens they make in sci fi movies are a mixture of human and animal.
Thank’s for sharing, this combined with MetaRig and BlenRig will be very useful for quick character creation where detail is not a priority (Archviz, background characters for vfx, previsualization, concept art, simple game characters)