From last update I improved normal and specular map algorithm - moreover they are about 7 times faster which performs to more efficient work especially with large textures and live preview feature. UI is almost done.
Next in TODO list:
better control of details for each map
generating seamless texture
speed improvements and bug fixing
I’m currently developing my own software for generating normal maps (and spec, disp, ao as well). Here is a first test:
Would be nice to have this as built in filtering options for the Blender image editor, because this could be a huge potential time savings in this case (especially if this including synthesizing images into seamless textures).
Better algorithm for normal maps with two parameters to set (intensity and roundness). I’m currently working on two new parameters - sharpness and details. Some results (only basic specular + normal):
bump maps are already done but before I show something i need to improve algorithm. As for seamless textures I have two ideas but implementation is not quite easy
hmmm, as for now I have about 1700 lines of code, beta version will be released soon - then I will try to write addon that can export textures directly to my program