Marble Expedition

So level 4 is done and I’ve fixed quite a few bugs so far. Added a green and purple gem, along with animating the gem counter with some ‘dust’ when collecting crystals.

Blue crystal (+1)
Green crystal (+5)

Purple crystal (+10)

After collecting a purple gem:

i can imagine some boom boom in the game ^.^

Looks really good:D

Thanks :smiley: Do you mean like explosions? The crystals will break when you collect them and the red barrels will explode when you shoot them enough, here is a gif.

Thanks adriansnetlis, engine roar is also looking great :slight_smile:

Explosions are a must ^.^ . but since i see your popping crystal-score thing i guess it would be more exciting if you add some camera shaking (slightly) when getting score, and also hard shaking for explosion.

shakyshake.blend (464 KB)

Take this, press Space to activate shake~that~ camera o.o

Edit: the part with

if "init" not in o:
        sc_na =
        o["mv_na"] = "camera_move_" + sc_na        
        o["init"] = True

is irrelevant, you can remove it.

Thanks so much :D, this is exactly what I needed. I was planning on using animations but I will use this instead. I could even replace my starting animation and recoil from the minigun!

The only reason it might not work for collecting the crystals is because the icon is so small in the corner of the screen:

But its a cool idea, maybe I’ll add a blue vignette/hue around the edges of the screen instead.

Game related: So amist the spagetti mess of logic bricks I decided against trying fit audio into the mix as I hadn't even started with it yet. Instead I'm going to be using the aud module. So far I have a clicking sound and a select/hover over sound. both will play at different times. One problem with aud is closing files after using them, and also making sure you only play one instance of the sound (instead of lots of new instances on different objects). I'm using messages to activate the sound from one source instead. To close files I have a for loop running on all of the sounds currently loaded, and stopping them if the sound.status == False. To close, basically just stop() the file. IMPORTANT NOTE: when using the embedded player(in blender), the files won't be closed by stop(). For some reason this only works for standalone.

To do: get sound working for everything, which might take a while. Record new devlog with game audio.

So I got ‘click’, ‘hover over’ and ‘error’ sounds working for the main menu, store, equip and level menu’s. Took surprisingly long, i guess if you implement sound as you go it will save you future work.

Also added 2 loading screens, 1 for the main menu (as it verifies and loads) and a 2nd for each tutorial level.

Main menu:

Tutorial level loading:

How do you let the game load? o.o

Its just a plane in front of the camera that ends itself after one delay logic tick. Basically this is to distract the user while the level loads in the first frame. Usually this only lasts a couple seconds at most, but is better to look at than looking at an unresponsive viewport.

I see, so it is on the HUD ? or you put it in the main scene? o.o

Yes its on the HUD, I tried the main scene, but that means that the overlay buttons show up (but can’t be clicked while its frozen), which could frustrate the player. So I just added it to the overlay scene. This does mean whenever you change scenes “loading…” will briefly pop up, same for the levels.

So progress has gradually slowed down as the year begins to get busy again.
I’m still focusing on the sound design of the game. The first level (and the menu’s) are nearly complete in regards to sound effects, so far there is:
-teleporting (spawn in)
-breaking crystal
-crystal counter +1 sound
-opening a menu
-closing a menu
-sounds for information boxes
-explosion sounds

Still to do:
‘saved’ sound
classic ‘cha-ching’ when buying an item from the store
transaction error
powerup sounds
+lots more

After I have sound fully implemented I will create another devlog.

Thanks for the support :D!

So with 2.77a there was a couple of bugs trying to select multiple cards from the store at once.
Rewrote logic to work with python modules instead, seperated the store as a seperate .blend file.
The transition has been pretty smooth, but I haven’t looked far into much into the levels yet.

I might also consider rewriting or converting some of the game logic to python because at the moment it the editor looks like a banquet of spaghetti.

After the majority of this is done, if time permits, I should be able to make another devlog.

Lots more bug fixing, updating and changing previous setups. Also implementing the new sound system to work nicely and toggle on and off when you change it in the settings.
The worst part about going back to a project is looking at how inefficiently you’ve done it previously and then having to do a complete overhaul of the majority of the game just to get it to a suitable standard.

So far I’ve got 1/4 completed and level 2 is about 80% done, still requiring sound and a couple other bits and pieces.
Level 3 and Level 4 aren’t fully completed (ignoring lack of sound), so these will inevitably take longer, but hopefully after this I should be able to begin churning through actual level creation.

I also added a ‘boundary’ overlay. Basically once you fall past a certain point, the view will fade to white and an ‘out of bounds’ sign will pop up:

Its not very exciting, but its one of the few visual elements I have changed.
After this the game will automatically restart.

This forum is very cool and I’m very happy to be able to register on a forum I am also able to learn about this forum .thank all:o

Thatimster this is an awesome game production very detailed and inspiring, also love your tutorials watch them all the time. You do great work and help other people learn keep it up ;).