Marco and the Metal Slug

This is my first complex scene done in Blender. It was about June 2020 when, with great joy, I completed this work. The first vehicle and the first character I created.
I love Metal Slug and it was really funny to create this fanart.
I hope you like it :wink:

for fun I also created 2 little animations (very very noob), but for the first animation I ever done I was so happy.

Sound ON:

In this year and a half, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. I would like to resume and refine this project.


Great work, congrats.

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This is crazy! Congrats dude <3. How did you do the materials? I love the look itโ€™s very borderlands

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Thank you very much :relaxed:

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Thank you very much :grin:
I created a toon shader that allows me to make this NPR effect. You can find something on my Youtube channel :wink:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much :star_struck:

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Youโ€™re on the #featured row! :+1: