Mario Jumps off Yoshi Mid-Air! (Animation)

This is a project I recently uploaded to one of my YouTube accounts. It’s a parody of when Mario jumps off Yoshi to gain more “air” in Super Mario World XD

Some of the “big ideas” used in this production were:

  1. Creating my own pseudo-“UV Map” by creating Vector Paint gradients named “X” and “Y” and combining them into a vector.
  2. Making stars by creating a spiderweb-subdivided disk with a radial gradient, and then adding Shape Keys to morph it into a star shape.

Anyway, it was super fun to make! :mushroom:

Like most of my work, I’m releasing this with a CC0 license. Blender 2.79b file available here:
“Mario Leaps Off Yoshi.blend”

Comments, even highly critical ones, are appreciated :slight_smile: Peace and God bless!