Mario level

This morning I started a scene with a piranha plant and let it progress from there. Any critiques on the models or the placement, or if you see anything funky and could be improved that would be great.

If you say “Hey! this would look better if you went to town sculpting this” then send it my way. :smiley:

The goal is to be able to do anything and make a really interesting scene, (still haven’t decided on how to do the background yet) While being able to learn and bypass any obstacles in my way. (at least until that camera tracking dvd gets here:evilgrin:)

Everything is all quads, And the tentacles are made from curves

I’m trying to aim for a “2d mario level, yet 3d cool” thing going on. Maybe add a koopa smoking on the side, etc. Anything goes in the world of mario.

So, here is post #1. I will be constantly checking this page so feel free to add in your suggestions and thoughts below and we’ll see how this all works out.

(Here’s to hoping this post is legible from posting at 2am. Nothing good ever comes from posting on forums at 2am.)

The less plain the better!