Mario was here

Fan art. Hope you like it.
Blender, Gimp, Mindtex


Very cool perspective on the game! Nice work!!

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haha thanks Daf. Much appreciated.

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How can Mario reach? :eyes: Maybe he has his wings. Maybe the blocks spin around so he does a little every time they point down.

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because he’s Mario :sunglasses:

The brick blocks falling apart are funny. What is the idea, like Mario is tearing the place up? Or things are kind of falling apart (no one watered the piranha plant, the turtle left his shell)?

Edit: either way works! (I’m guessing Mario was going to town)

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haha good observation but no. Mario killed the turtle, threw the shell at the pirhana plant, upper-cutted the metal crates and got the power ups, then beat the bricks blocks for the hell of it.
Oh and then left his signature so luigi couldn’t take the credit HEHE.

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They don’t let the kiddos know what a badass Mario really is. :wink:

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nah, those kids would be traumatized lol

The game not many have heard of: Mario Uncensored, the original version. They should call it “Learn how to swear in Italian”.

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Nope not familiar with that one. But now I kinda wish I understood italian lol. It’s that good huh?