brizillian jui-jitsu, hands down
learn as much as you can possibly learn about the man, the legend, the greatest fighter i have ever seen…super wu-man…i mean rocye gracie
sit back and learn about the greatest fighter ever to live!
he is a ultimate fighting champion, back about 10 years ago they held the beginnings of what is now known as ultimate fighting. however 10 years ago there were virtually no rules. just two guys, no time limit, no gloves, first to tap out would lose.
oh and on top of that you had to fight three guys somtimes four guys in one night. the sport was almost banned because guys were getting beaten nearly to death. the sport has now changed, lots of rules, gloves, time limits, and one fight a night, not three.
but back to the legend, two guys would walk into the ring, royce gracie, and some huge steriod dude that was 100pound heavyer, and a foot taller then the skinny rocye gracie.
but forget it! about one or two minutes into the fight rocye would have them down on the ground tapping for their life! it was amazing, no blood, nothing. the brizillian jui-jitsu is mostly just using leverage and choke holds, submission moves, really amazing.
it didnt even matter what other fight style the other guys would use, karate, akido, greco roman wrestling, anything, they flew guys in from all around the world, the best of the best in there fight form, and rocye would beat ALL of them!
he would put a guy in an arm-bar and hyper extend his arm untill it broke or untill the guy tapped out. it was amazing to see this skinny little dude walk in, and within 2 minutes he would have these gigantic hulks down on the ground screaming and tapping on the mat like babies, AMAZING!!
not only that, he would do it three or four times in one night. the guy is a fight god. he would beat his opponets in 2 minutes or less usually, almost never get hit, he would never bleed, and he almost would never make the other guys bleed, he would just let them know, you need to tap, or i’m going to choke you until your unconcious, or you need to tap or i’m going to hyper extend your neck or arm out of it socket, or tap out now or i’m going to break your arm.
simply the most effective, and skilled fight form i have ever seen…
so yeah brizillian jui-jitsu, royce gracie, learn as much as you can from him, watch the early ultimate fighting stuff, on dvd or google videos, and thank the wu for saving your ass, haha!!
but seriously rocye gracie is the greatest fighter to ever live, humble, smart, extremely skilled…the best
but yeah, i dont want to talk about what happened to royce with matt huges…i said i dont want to talk about it!! lets just say rocye already proved himself a million times over before that fight, that fight means nothing to me, royce is still a fight god to the wu…and you knew it was right!