Massive import of PBR materials library in asset library (blender 3.0)

In the last years I’ve purchased a commercial library of PBR materials (from CGAXIS).
it is divided in 6 collection (1° release, 2° release, etc) each subdivided in categories (wood, rock, fabric an so on)
every material consists of a folder that contains a .jpg for each node (diffuse, roughness, ao, spec, etc) so there is no a blend file from which I can append a ready-made material.


My solution, at the moment, is to manually create each new material, using node wrangler to setup the noodles (ctrl+shift+T), but it looks like a super waste of time.
The collection counts more than 2500 materials, do you think there is a way to automate the process?
thank you.

It looks like manual import is the only way around.
any suggestion?

Hi bullx,
you can try this


works like a charm.
thank you for the suggestion, great addon, I love it.

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