Hello, <br> I am working on a game engine project to preprocess scenes from blender or various formats into storable and ensurable(making assertions that they can exist within the realm of physics they exist in).<br> So others or perhaps Artificials can create and store them into a database so easily they are rendered, Now for how I’ve started. I made a script for mixing the preprocess’d raw RGB data into a scenary with a blender game engine scene that has a QouteUnqoute holoDeck surrounding and can update distant object’s as the character moves in the world. Firstly this is simply populated with raw data, how the user acquires the raw data is his own business and I would like to see idea’s on how to update the scenary from a new format(not Raw Sampled RGB), by adding light changes.<br><br>surbuf=12802,8002;<br>surbuf=bytearray(sursize[0]3sursize[1]); #alpha channel is created for each pixel and None if you don’t have environment texture to populate;<br><br>def main(cont):<br> if not getattr(main,‘init’,None):<br> main.init=bge.logic.texture.Texture(cont.owner,0,0);<br> main.init.source=bge.texture.ImageBuff();<br> main.init.source.load(bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_BYTE,[sursize[0]*sursize[1]*3],surbuf),sursize[0],sursize[1]);<br><br>def add_scene(co,data,width): #data must have a fourth color for alpha<br> size=width,len(data)/4/width;<br> if(co[1]>0): <br> hr=(size[1]/co[1]);<br> size=(int(size[0]/hr),int(size[1]/hr)) <br> co=(int(sursize[0]/2-co[0]),int(sursize[1]/2-hr));<br> main.init.source.plot(data,size[0],size[1],co[0],co[1],0);<br><br><br><br>You can see how the need for a unifying uvmap is necessitated, mine is spanning from the center out, oh and remember you can’t even see texture’s if you have a material on the object before running the game engine. <br><br>
Also I forgot to mention an easy way to resize/rotate per unit (distance/spacial effect),Once you pipeline the image into say pnm or other raw format,if 16bits: import array.array; anarray=array(‘h’,data) width=len(data)/numcolors/height; conjsm=array.array(‘h’); a=[conjsm.extend(bytes(anarray[cwidth+a+b] for b in range(numcolors)) for a in range(width) for c in range(height)];if 8bits: consjm=bytearray(); a=[conjsm.extend(bytes(anarray[cwidth+a+b] for b in range(numcolors)) for a in range(width) for c in range(height)];
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