Massless Space: Multiplayer collab for Blender, Unity, and Web

Hi folks!

We created Massless Space to help 3D teams collaborate in real-time.

Try it out here:

We connected Blender, Unity and Web Browsers into one live “Space” stored in the Cloud. Anything added to the space in Blender will automatically be converted to Unity and vice versa.

This means:

  • Multiple Blender users can work on the same scene at once
  • Multiple Unity users can work on the same scene at once
  • Scene objects are automatically converted across Unity/Blender
  • A URL can be shared for real-time viewing and commenting in the browser


The dream here is for anyone to be able to connect in their platform of choice, whether it is a modeling tool, game engine, VR, laptop, mobile…etc and collaborate in real-time seamlessly! All conversions will be performed automatically (as best as possible) with platform specific information stored in additional “data layers”. Imagine if you could just open a scene in any software and it just works!

We think this could be really powerful for collaboration on 3d content, animations, and game dev. Especially when converting existing scenes for real-time rendering.

I’d love to hear what you think, any suggestions, or if you are interested in helping with development then please email me at jack @ massless . io



sound promising… but it seems that servers are offline…
Is this project dead?