Dear Blenderheads,
in this tutorial series, i explain the shadernode workflow with focus on texture coordiantes. I came across a lot of tutorials, and none of them explain the mathematical side of noding. Either the tutor hides behind mathematical terms lacking didactical concept, or even worse explanations are short and plain wrong. Since i teach animation for 25 years and studied pyhsics and math i felt its about time to explain some crucial concepts. From the basics of noding and Vectormath, it quickly evolves into how to set up PARALLAX depth and PROEJCTION MAPPING.
I try to upload new videos every week so be sure to subscribe, theres a lot more thats coming up!
So nice when people as yourself help to explain things so we artists understand things better.
Thank You
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This should be a bookmark post for everybody…
Well done and thanks!!
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I started by watching the #5 PARALLAX video, very well done and informative. Thank you for sharing.
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Lesson 10 is about constructing cylindrical and spherical coordinates for complex volumetric animation
Pretty Cool ! Thanks for sharing !
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