Material looking different in the viewport than it does in the render (cycles)

I’ve been working on a spaceship for a while and recently switched to using a PBR material supplied by Blender Guru’s tutorial but ran into a problem with the render looking different in the final render than it does in the rendered view in the viewport. I’ll post a picture if you want to see what it looks like. Does anybody know what’s going on? It’s almost like it has more reflectance than it does in the viewport.

There’s at least one object visible in the render, which is turned off for the rendered viewport:

Make sure there aren’t more - and that those objects don’t have influence on the lighting.

IkariShinji: I noticed that. Fixed now. I also fixed the problem with the difference in the renders but I’m still curious as to why it would be different in the viewport than it would be in the render :confused:.