Material Maker (opensource) material generator that has cool features that would be great in Blender

If you watch this video it shows a thumbnail preview on already connected nodes. Actually, many features in this app are so user friendly.

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Nobody’s stopping anyone from combining this with Animation Nodes, as it’s just GLSL shaders… except the slow copy speed that Blender has with image data, as it doesn’t use Python buffer protocol.

One thing to keep in mind here is that this is a 2d compositor, not a 3d shader editor like Blender’s. While they might be able to show a graphical representation of the material on a plane (and I’d welcome this!), there are limiting factors.
One possible solution would be to use the compositor together with the shader editor to get close to a Material Maker/Substance Designer workflow, adding easy 2d filters like blurring, bevelling etc.

I just tried it and the program works well, but is missing a lot of the requires nodes to make anything resembling Substance Designer. No blur for example.

I’m impressed that this is an awesome software that shows direct the changes it has made and previews it. Node editor in Blender right now is not user friendly.

One thing this shows is that Godot is surprisingly adept as making non-game software in the creative space, this is now the second high-profile general use application made with the engine (with RPG-in-a-Box) being the first.

Hopefully, this guy will at least make use of GD-native (for performance-sensitive parts) instead of straight-on GD-script (if not only because the latter does not have JIT/AOT functionality yet). While I only use the latter myself, I do realize speed is everything with these texture generators.

It’s GLSL, so it’s already as fast as it can be.

What are the advantages of this over Blender’s own shader editor?

Try it out a bit. I like the real time view of everything that you mix and create. In blender it feels clunky to view the changes.

Anybody seen this?


Can’t get it to work on my machine. I have an amd gpu 390x.

A new version has been released (Material make 0.8).