Material not showing texture on imported vectorworks fbx model

I’m using realtime materials and using a either a uv or normal procedural material the texture won’t show on my object only the colour. I have uv unwrapped the object. The material works if I add a normal cube from blender just not on my model.

Please help!!
Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 12.13.14|690x401

Welcome :tada:

Your Flat Wood 6 material does have a vector input… so i gues it’s for some special kind (UC , object ??) …so make sure it is meant to be used for UV and not for object or world space…

Also i would play with the scale… if nothing is in the docu about this material…

I’m struggling to scale the UV. How do I do this?

For ( smaller to mid level ) changes simply select any faces and scale (and maybe even move or rotate) in the UV editor.

For bigger ones a mapping node between Texture Coordinate (set to UV ) node or UV Map node and texture producing node a Mapping node might by more suitable.

…but your node does not have anything for input.